Html5 audio firefox
Html5 audio firefox

But there anycodings_jquery aren't a ton of other options in anycodings_jquery Firefox. This is clearly not ideal and probably anycodings_jquery won't suffice in all use cases, but the anycodings_jquery audio clips I was playing are fairly anycodings_jquery short so it's not a big deal if the anycodings_jquery duration changes a couple of times right anycodings_jquery as the audio starts playing.

html5 audio firefox

anycodings_jquery Unfortunately this means that it usually anycodings_jquery takes a few events before the true anycodings_jquery (full) duration is given, so at first anycodings_jquery you'll get like 3.4567 (in secs) and anycodings_jquery then 24.456 and so on, but after a few anycodings_jquery updates, you'll get the true duration anycodings_jquery and then you'll stop receiving updates anycodings_jquery once the entire clip has been buffered.

Firefox can only do OGG, but for Safari, you have to use MP3s as OGGs arent supported.

. To get around this limitation on anycodings_jquery Firefox, I instead started listening to anycodings_jquery the durationchange event which will anycodings_jquery fired whenever the browser buffers anycodings_jquery another chunk of the audio.

To pull off Audio, you need to give multiple sources. mp3 files and they should have matching names (Example: song-1.mp3 and song-1.ogg). In CodePen, whatever you write in the HTML editor is what goes within the tags in a basic HTML5 template.

sox inFile-b 16 -c 2 outFile otherParams). For my app, I needed to re-rip to change both bit depth and number of channels (e.g. ogg option for Firefox and Opera: Convert all your mp3s you are using to. In addition to the bit depth issue, Firefox HTML5 audio apparently does not play back 6-channel audio, either.


In anycodings_jquery contrast, Chrome correctly reports the anycodings_jquery full duration on loadedmetadata. ogg audio file option is included in the 'player-HTML5.js' so you can play sound in any web browser with HTML5 audio code. At anycodings_jquery that point in time, the audio.duration anycodings_jquery will only be equal to whatever portion anycodings_jquery of audio has been buffered by the anycodings_jquery browser, which likely won't be the full anycodings_jquery duration of the entire audio clip.

html5 audio firefox

For whatever anycodings_jquery reason, Firefox doesn't report the anycodings_jquery audio.duration properly at the moment anycodings_jquery the loadedmetadata event is fired. For anyone coming along later, I ran anycodings_jquery into the same issue.

Html5 audio firefox